Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

Tattoos, just tattoos

No big announcements today, just a few pictures.
Nice, right?

Here's what Allan and David were up to yesterday, straight from the iPhone, so you know it's fresh.*

Allan finished Sasha's lower arm, there's even stuff on the other side too, but that picture was too blurry

And David did this not-cute-at-all (really, don't ever say it's cute!) dragon!

Ps. Vores gæste tatovører har stadig ledige tider i august, så skynd dig at booke tid hos en af dem. Eller alle tre!
Klik her for info og datoer!

*I swear, one of these days i'll steal a bunch of pictures from Allan's computer and you'll be like "whoa!"
Yes, you will.

Senin, 16 Juli 2012

Not even gonna promise anything this time...

I know i wrote "third and final part" in that last guest artist post, but i'm afraid i may have been lie-telling, although i wasn't aware of it at the time!

You see, our buddy David aka Dino Baby has found himself temporarily without a tattoo home, so he's gonna be crashing here for a while until he finds the perfect spot to open up his new studio.
So you'll probably be seeing more of this guy if you come by the shop!
If you should want to book with him, all the info can be found on his blog.

DK: Vores ven David aka Dino Baby er blevet midlertidigt "hjemløs" og vil kommer derfor til at arbejde her i butikken fra tid til anden indtil han finder de perfekte lokaler til sin nye butik.
Hvis du gerne vil tatoveres af ham, eller måske allerede er i gang med et projekt fra ham, kan du finde kontakt information på hans blog.

Tattoo by David

Senin, 09 Juli 2012

August guest artist info, third and final part

Ok, last one for now. It better be, cause i seriously doubt we have room for more people unless we start using the back rooms too!

As you know, we have Nick coming in August (and might i add a "yay!" to that), but what you don't know is that Nick is bringing more Hong Kong peeps with him.
Or rather, Nick's friend Ross is traveling around Europe and decided to come visit too!

So, Ross Turpin, from Hong Kong will be guesting at the shop from August 16th to 18th.
If you'd like to book an appointment with him, please send an email with your ideas for the tattoo, placement, budget and preferred date to get tattooed to, and i'll be happy to book you in.
Remember, as always, fun custom stuff only, and the deposit can be paid at the shop.
Scroll down to see some of Ross' work, and check out his instagram (@rossturpin) and his blog for more tattoos!

Ok, that's it for now. No excuses to not come by in August and get a sweet new tattoo from one of our guests!
DK: Vi har tre gæste tatovører der kommer på besøg i August, så endelig kommer der en chance for at få en awesome tatovering uden at stå på venteliste i årevis.
Nummer tre er Ross Turpin fra Hong Kong, der kommer fra den 16. til 18. August.
Hvis du kunne tænke dig at blive tatoveret af ham skal du sende os en mail (email adresse står i den engelske tekst) med dine ideer til design og placering, samt evt. budget og dato du kan blive tatoveret.
Og husk, kun sjove ideer!
Depositum kan betales her i butikken.
Håber at høre fra jer!

Tattoos by Ross Turpin

Scroll down to read part one and two!

Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012

August guest artist info, part deux

Ok, who's up for part two of the August Guest Trilogy?
No one in Copenhagen, that's for sure, cause they're all at Roskilde Festival watching Bruce Springsteen right now....*grrr*.... but to everyone else, here's some more guest artist info for you!

Wendy Pham, also from Melbourne, Australia will be guesting at the shop from August 13th to 15th, plus the 23rd and 24th as well.
If you'd like to book an appointment with her, please send an email with your ideas for the tattoo, placement, budget and preferred date to get tattooed to
Remember, as always, fun custom stuff only!
Scroll down to see some of her awesome work, and check out her instagram for more tattoos and paintings (@wendy_pham).

I might wait with the next guest post until Monday... just to give people a chance to get home from Roskilde.
You think i'm kidding, but i'm not, i'm the only person left in Copenhagen right now!
DK: Vi har tre gæste tatovører der kommer på besøg i August, så endelig kommer der en chance for at få en awesome tatovering uden at stå på venteliste i årevis.
Nummer to er Wendy Pham fra Australien, der kommer fra den 13. til 15. August, samt den 23. og 24. August.
Hvis du kunne tænke dig at blive tatoveret af Wendy skal du sende hende en mail (email adresse står i den engelske tekst) med dine ideer til design og placering, samt evt. budget og dato du kan blive tatoveret.
Og husk, kun sjove ideer!

Tattoos by Wendy Pham

Jumat, 06 Juli 2012

August guest artist info, part one

Hey guys!
I know it's been a while since we've had guests at the shop, but that's about to change.
In August we have no less than three guest artists visiting, or four actually, if you count Nick as a guest!

Ok, so the first one up is Matthew Gordon from Melbourne, Australia.
He'll be with us from August 20th to 25th and if you'd like to book an appointment, send an email with your ideas for the tattoo, placement, budget and preferred date to get tattooed to
Remember, fun custom stuff only!
Scroll down to see examples of his work, and click here to see even more on his blog... oh, and look him up on instagram too (@matthew_gordon)!

Next guest artist post is coming up tomorrow... how very exciting!

DK: Vi har tre gæste tatovører der kommer på besøg i August, så endelig kommer der en chance for at få en awesome tatovering uden at stå på venteliste i årevis.
Den første er Matthew Gordon fra Australien (check links i den engelske tekst) der kommer fra den 20. til 25. August.
Hvis du kunne tænke dig at blive tatoveret af ham skal du sende ham en mail med dine ideer til design og placering, samt evt. budget og dato du kan blive tatoveret.
Og husk, kun sjove ideer!

Tattoos by Matthew Gordon