Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

The buy of the century (probably)

Buying a grill for the shop is something we've been talking about doing ever since it started to get warmer in Copenhagen, and on Friday we finally bought one.
Me and Eckel went to the hardware paradise known as Silvan to look at the selection, and found the Dancook 7400 to be both reasonably priced and sized.

This is one of the (many) test pictures we sent to Allan

And here's our fancy new purchase

I may have also bought this giant toolbox that fits almost all of our tools (and a ton of stuff for the garden)
The weather wasn't all that great, so we ate in the kitchen, but it was awesome and delicious nonetheless!
(Sorry for the crappy picture!)

Shop barbecues are so my new favorite thing, and i hope we'll be able to do this all week until it's freezing outside again!

Ps. Don't forget we have a guest artist coming soon, click here to read more about him and see some of his work!

Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Just the right amount of cute

I don't actually have time for a real, proper post right now (although i do believe i owe you one), but i had to post this tattoo that Eckel did on Rasmus today, cause it's pretty much the sweetest thing ever.
Don't you agree?

Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

*Insert sound of me sneezing*

It's Tuesday, and we're back to work after a long and surprisingly unproductive break.
I'm not super bummed about being back to work, but that's not saying that today couldn't have been just a little easier. 
For the first time in what seems like a very long time the weather is cold and wet, i have a vicious cold that makes me sneeze every 5-10 seconds, and there's a mysterious draft coming from somewhere in my office (most likely the very old window, although i can't feel anything when i'm standing over there?) which is not helping with the whole sneezing situation.
But it could be worse. At least we have a work-from-home day tomorrow already.
Yeah, we're easing back into it for sure.
But although we've had time off, Allan did tattoo for a couple of days last week.
Max came from Russia to get his lower arm done, and to give us some sweet Russian souvenirs, and Martin came down from Norway to finish his frontpiece (something he wasn't quite prepared for) and to start a new piece on his lower leg.
A couple of brutal days, for us and the troopers.

Russian souvenirs!
Martins frontpiece of doom

 I was taking a picture of this fancy gentleman werewolf Eckel did on Brian, and i somehow managed to fit everyone in the picture!
Allan tattooing Martin, day two

Oh, and in case you missed it, we have a guest artist coming in the end of the month, and you should all get tattooed by him  (well, not all, but some of you should)!