Senin, 20 Januari 2014

Back to blogging and booking!

Hey there, sorry for the long blog break, but things have been just a liiiittle bit hectic around here lately.
But i'm back, and with good news for those of you hoping to get tattooed by Uncle Allan this year!
As you may remember, we gave up the waiting list system for various reasons, and we're gonna go back to just announcing it here whenever we feel like booking.
So that's basically what's happening now!

I am getting ready to book the month of April*, and if you'd like to get tattooed, here's what to do:
send your tattoo ideas, size, placement, budget, dates you're available/unavailable, reference pictures, and anything else you think might be relevant, to, and put "April" in the subject.
Send the email between this Wednesday, the 22nd, and next Wednesday, the 29th.
After the 29th, i'll get back to you with a possible date, and all the information you'll need to get properly booked in.
Sound good?
Hope so!

I'll be back here soon with more shop and guest announcements, so check back.
And hey, here are some recent tattoos by Uncle Allan!

Tattoo by Uncle Allan

Tattoo by Uncle Allan

Tattoo by Uncle Allan

Tattoo by Uncle Allan

Tattoo by Uncle Allan

*...and so far only April, so there's no reason to write me about booking other months just now!

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